What to Pack?
You should plan to arrive with a gear bag that will stay at the Baja Raw House in San Felipe and a smaller clothes bag that will travel to each nightly destination in the chase truck.
We recommend dual sport riding apparel so you have pockets easily accessible.
Gear bag
Carry-on sized clothes bag
Your Passport
Riding Gear
Goggles (clear and tinted lenses)
Gloves (multiple pairs, warm and cool ones both recommended)
Riding jacket
Warm jacket you can shed and carry if you get hot. You can always drop it in the chase truck!
Long underwear or leggings
The weather may be cold and you'll want to be prepared.
Clear and Tinted lens options are strongly encouraged.
Chest protection is strongly recommended
Hydration (camelback or similar) recommended
We will meet up with the chase truck and have scheduled stops also
Ear plugs
At some point you may be sleeping near someone who snores.
Shampoo/body wash for showers
Clothing for warm and cool weather conditions.
Cash for shopping
Your guides will carry all necessary tools that we may need.